Money and Banking Module 4 Assignment #2 Summer 2020


To complete assignment #4 you must write a paper in your own words that addresses the following:


1. Describe the tools the Fed has in its toolbox and how/when does the Fed use these to meet their dual mandate from Congress?


2. What is the FED’s current monetary policy? What does the FED expect to happen in the U.S. economy in the near future? How can you tell what the FED’s expectations are?


3. Discuss the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM). Based on this theory, what is the potential for inflation in the US economy, considering the Fed’s accommodative policies during the Great Recession?



Your submission should meet the following requirements:

1. Your paper must be prepared as a WORD document and submitted through Blackboard by August 1st.


2. You must include a Cover Page, Table of Contents, and a References page.


3. The body of your paper (excluding the Cover Page, Table of Contents, and References page) should be 6-10 pages.


4. Your text should be double-spaced, with 1” margins, Times New Roman font, with each paragraph indented.


5. References should be in APA, 6th edition, format.


6. The textbook may be used as a source. In addition, you should have at least 5 other sources. Do not use a blog as a source.


7. Avoid the use of quotes in your paper. No more than 10% of your paper should be quoted material from any source – including the textbook.


8. Use in-text citations whenever appropriate and be sure to include all cited sources in your References page.


9. Use proper grammar.


10. Write using third person.


Safe Assign will be used by the instructor in this course on all assignments to monitor students’ assignment submissions for plagiarism and compliance with the limitation for quoted material.


Rubric: This assignment is worth 50 points. 30% of your grade will be based on following the above format requirements and 70% will be based on content.

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