1.       The model formulated to describe the relationship between monthly sales of product X and prices, incomes and advertising expenditure seems perfectly reasonable. Give reasons why you would not expect this model to be a particularly good predictor of monthly sales of product X.

2.       What problems might you encounter in: (a) Providing a definition for the above variables. (b) Gathering appropriate data on the above variables.

3.       Discuss the merits of the following passage. In a study of alienation, Hang (1994) found that 500 males in his sample felt very alienated. Jones and Jeffery (1996) found alienation most severe amongst elderly people. The 1950 study by Clark supported the work of Jones and Jeffery. Zo and Qi (1998) have determined the factors which result in high alienation and argue that these have a socio-economic dimension. Abdullah gives a methodology for measuring the degree of social inclusion.

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