1st assignment: Endocrine System Discussion, initial response (150 words) due by 1/8/20, respond to students’ posts by 1/10/20 ​(will provide later,) Endocrine System Discussion

Choose 1 anterior pituitary hormone and 1 other hormone post a discussion about their functions.

Include the following:

1. Name and location of the hormones

2. Function of the hormones.

3. How the hormones are regulated (are there feedback mechanisms or regulating factors?).

Be sure to read other students’ posts once you have posted your response.

2. Discuss the function of the thyroid gland. Due by 1/8/20 Post must be at least 320 words.

Post completely written in your own words.

Includes a brief discussion about the cells of the thyroid gland.

Includes a description of the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland.

Includes a description of the hormones secreted by the pituitary and hypothalamus that control the thyroid gland.

Includes a discussion about how thyroid hormones affect the body.

Includes a discussion about how thyroid hormones are regulated by negative feedback.

Includes information about at least 2 thyroid disorders.

Includes references according to APA guidelines.

Please make sure writing answers the following criteria:

Criteria Ratings

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Presentation Assignment is organized with good use of grammar, correct spelling, APA citations and is at least 320 words in length (not including citations).

10.0 to >0.0 pts Presentation

0.0 pts No Mark s

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Thyroid gland cells Include a discussion about the cells of the thyroid gland.

5.0 to >0.0 pts Thyroid gland cells

0.0 pts No Mark s

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Thyroid gland hormones Include a discussion about the hormones of the thyroid gland. Include the name of the hormone and the function of each hormone.

10.0 to >0.0 pts Thyroid gland hormones

0.0 pts No Mark s

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Regulation of thyroid gland hormones Include a discussion about the regulation of each thyroid hormone. Include the role of the hypothalumus and pituitary in controlling the release of thyroid hormones.

5.0 to >0.0 pts Regulation of hormones

0.0 pts No Mark s

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Negative feedback Include a description of how negative feedback regulates the thyroid hormones. Include an example of how this works.

5.0 to >0.0 pts Negative feedback

0.0 pts No Mark s

5 . 0 p t s

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Thyroid gland disorders Include a discussion about hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Include the signs, symptoms, and treatment of each disorder.

5.0 to >0.0 pts Thyroid gland disorders

0.0 pts No Mark s

5 . 0 p t s

3rd writing assignment: initial response at minimum 260 words per topic by Wednesday 1/8, reply to 2 student’s posts ​(will provide later)​by 1/10/20 at minimum 120 per reply Coma and Brain Trauma Discussion

After a person suffers severe trauma to the brain, he or she may be artificially kept alive with a series of machines that keep the body’s organs functioning, but cannot repair the damage to the brain. In many countries and states, it is left to the family members to keep the loved one alive or to allow the person to pass on. Either decision is extremely difficult: the loved one could never recover, in which case, the family is forced to shoulder the expense of the treatment and prolong mourning for months or years. Or the loved one could recover, but if the family decided to separate the person from life support, that chance is eliminated.

1. Review this unit’s required reading.

2. Read the following article: ​”Bringing Back the Unconscious: The Latest Science on Awakenings”

(Links to an external site.)

3. Read the following news story: ​”Awake After 20 Years, Sarah Speaks”

(Links to an external site.)

4. Construct a coherent argument for or against keeping someone alive in the case of prolonged unconsciousness. Consider the following:

● For which conditions do you believe it is humane to allow a person to die? Discuss the different states of unconsciousness: coma, PVS, and MCS.

● Discuss the potential risk of long-term brain injury, including the possible psychological effects on the family.

● Explain the ethical issues involved in allowing a person to die or keeping a person artificially alive.

● Locate and include real-life examples from testimonials and studies of people who have recovered and those who have not, including the video you watched.

5. Post your completed argument to the discussion board for your classmates to view. Your argument should be 5-6 paragraphs long with strong reasoning and examples.

6. Be sure to read others’ posts and respond to at least two by adding clarification, asking questions, or otherwise adding constructively to the discussion. Please also be aware this is a sensitive subject, as many classmates may have had to deal with personal experiences on this topic.

Assignment 4 Case Study Instructions

Write a paper of at ​least 350 words ​discussing the case and the following questions:

1. Read the case study on Kendra:

Kendra has recently left an abusive relationship. She and her son live with her mother. Her ex-husband drank heavily and would unexpectedly appear at unusual hours at her home. She claims that he was physically abusive twice in their six-year marriage, but there are reports that she was hospitalized with injuries consistent with abuse on at least eight occasions. She reports feeling terror when she hears the motor of a specific type of motorcycle – the kind her ex-husband rode.

Kendra’s fifteen-year-old son, Austin, reports that Kendra was abused daily by her husband. He claims to have found her unconscious on the floor of the kitchen, and that she had been cooking a meal. He reports strong taste and smell aversion to meatloaf, the dinner that had been in the oven at that time. He also demonstrates aggression when people around him drink or take drugs. At a party, he physically assaulted a boy who had been drinking heavily and who was “putting moves” on one of Austin’s friends.

Analyze the different psychological factors related to learning and memory at work in this case.

2. Write an analysis of the psychological factors that are involved in learning and memory that are at work in the case. In particular, consider:

● How have Kendra and Austin been conditioned (please answer specific type of conditioning and definitions from textbook reading)? What/who is the source of the conditioning?

● What is the source of Austin’s smell aversion? Please use specific vocabulary words and explanations referencing the textbook.

● How do Kendra’s memories differ from Austin’s? Why?

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