Each below Discussions should be atleast 200-300 words. I have attached textbook pdf for reference.

Discussion question 3:


Topic:  Discuss the challenges that incident handlers face in identifying incidents when resources have been moved to a cloud environment.

Follow up your discussion with a recent article discussing a company who has begun utilizing a cloud environment and what challenges they may face.  Make sure to cite the article.

Discussion question 4:

Topic: Each student will locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.

Discussion question 5:

Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of testing. When is each type of testing appropriate? Are there situations that preclude the use of a particular type of testing?

  • attachment


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