“Education is an inter- subjective process of learning to be self-reliant person in Society “ Analyze this statement based on the dimensions of education as espoused by Njoroge and Bennaars (1994) (15 marks)
(a) Identify two basic foundations of human knowledge (2 marks)
(b) Using relevant examples, distinguish between dispositional and prpositional knowledge (4 marks)
(c) discuss how each of the foundations of human knowledge identified in (a) above are manifested in the theory and practice of education in Kenya today (9 marks)
4. One of thegoals of education in Kenya is to foster national development. Discus FIVE ways through which this goal can be achieved. (15 marks)
5. Assess FOUR ways in which John Dewey’s ideas of democratic education can be used to improve the teaching and learning process in Kenyan schools (15 marks)










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