1.(a) Examine in detail the duties of an office manager in a large organization.(10 marks)

(b) What qualities should an office manager posses in order to perform the duties in (a) above effectively?(10 marks)

2.(a) Outline the relative merits and demerits of locating an office in an urban area(10 marks)

(b) What measures would an office manager take to ensure a good working environment for staff in a rural location.(10 marks)

3.(a) What steps should an office manager take to ensure successful implementation of office automation?(12 marks)

(b) What are the disadvantages of office automation?(8 marks)

4.ABC Ltd recently experienced a fire outbreak in its premises during which some records were destroyed.

(a) (i) What is meant by disaster recovery procedures?(2 marks)

(ii) Explain the disaster recovery procedures that the office manager should follow in order to recover the lost data.(8 marks)

(b) State and briefly explain the factors that may influence the duration of retention of documents in an organization.(10 marks)

5.(a) What are the advantages of using forms in an organization?(10 marks)

(b) Explain the factors to be considered in designing office forms.(10 marks)









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