The duty [to make] reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities is hugely important in practice in terms of making it possible for disabled people to compete on a more level playing field…”


G, Pitt, Employment Law, 2014 Sweet and Maxwell


Critically discuss the above quote.


Word limit: 4,500


The essay should be no more than 4,500 words excluding footnotes and the bibliography. There should be around 40 sources. There is no word count for the bibliography, which should contain all the sources that you have read and consider to be relevant to answer the question.


Please ensure you use legislations, statute, journals, articles, law reports, cases, ACTS and books etc.



You must cite all your sources.  Remember, even if you paraphrase the work of others you must still cite the source of the ideas.  It is not enough to cite the source in your bibliography.  You must also cite it in the text/footnotes as well.


Essay Criteria 


  • A developed research strategy that involves the evaluation and critical analysis of a range of authoritative, novel and reliable materials
  • The proactive application of a range of interpersonal and communication skills in a range of situations with degrees of complexity.
  • The structure of the work so that statements, arguments and conclusions flow coherently and logically
  • Communication in good English
  • Presentation and understanding of the law within its wider context
  • Evidence of critical and creative reflection on the material used and conclusions reached
  • Critical analysis of the relevant issues, and arguments, both legal and non legal, in the area, identifying and evaluating competing perspectives whilst showing an awareness of present day topical issues and new concepts;
  • Depth and breadth of research, with the ability to judge the significance of the evidence used to support conclusions and recommendations.
  • The structure of the work so that statements, arguments and conclusions flow coherently and logically;
  • Communication in good English;


  • The structure of the work so that statements, arguments and conclusions flow coherently and logically
  • Communication in good English
  • Presentation and understanding of the law within its wider context
  • evidence of critical and creative reflection on the material used and conclusions reached
  • Critical analysis of the relevant issues, and arguments, both legal and non legal, in the area, identifying and evaluating competing perspectives whilst showing an awareness of present day topical issues and new concepts
  • Depth and breadth of research, with the ability to judge the significance of the evidence used to support conclusions and recommendations




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