Two adjacently positioned building columns for an industrial building (an exterior wall column and an interior column) will be supported on a common trapezoid-shaped (combined) footing foundation. The columns are located 3 m apart, center to center. Because of space constraints, the total length of the foundation is limited to 5 m. The end section of the wall footing can project 0.75 m outward beyond the center of the wall column. The wall column imposes a load of 600 kN; the interior column, 950 kN. The allowable design soil bearing pressure is 165 kN/m2. Determine the plan dimensions of the necessary trapezoidal shape, using the maximum allowable length of 5 m. (Hint: Theoretically, to achieve a uniform soil bearing pressure, the position for the resultant of the column loads and the centroid of the foundation coincide.)
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