Design a digital clock as shown in Figure 5. The clock should be in the following format:YYYY:MM:DD hh: mm : ssYYYY: The year (like 2020)MM: The month (like 06)DD: The date of month (like 28)hh: The hour in 24-hour system (like 21)mm: The minute (like 46)ss: the second (like 21)You have 1 1-Hz clock input, and reset input. The clock should start from time 2020:01:01 00:00:00 and count up.The output should show on 14-digit seven segment display.The output should be as follows:Year[11:0]Month[3:0]Day[5:0]Hour[4:0]Minute[5:0]Second[5:0]Design digital clock with basic combinational gates: AND, OR, INVERTER, and flip-flops.Draw schematics on Quartus and Simulate on Modelsim to verify the correctness of your hardware.

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