2.Read the case studies below and answer the following questions.


Joseph is 83 and has Alzheimer’s disease. He has started to become more and more inactive each week. His carer, Joan, decides to buy him a dartboard for his room. This means Joseph has to stand and walk the short distance to and from the board to retrieve the darts.


Darts are also a mental activity as working out the score involves simple mathematics. Joan supervises Joseph’s dart games and helps him whenever he struggles to work out his score.


Bernie works on a hospital ward where three of the patients have early-stage dementia. Several family members have noticed their relative is less active since being admitted to the hospital.


Bernie decides to introduce new activities into their routines. She arranges a ‘games night’ every Tuesday. The residents can play bingo, dominoes or card games together. This not only helps their mental activity levels but also promotes social interaction.



2a. Describe three ways in which the experience of an activity can be positive. Use examples from the case studies to support your answer. [1.2]


First way


Second way


Third way


2b. Explain the relationship between positive experiences and physical and mental well-being. Use examples from the case studies to support your answer. [1.3]

Relationship between positive experiences and physical well-being


Relationship between positive experiences and mental well-being

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