Learning Activities
You are expected to complete all of the learning activities in the CRIT3001 Blackboard Learning Module folders and the Tutorial folders. You must listen/view to the recorded collaborate sessions for the tutorials and lectures. Review all of the information in the Assessment 3: Skills Assessment Internal Students folder.
Word count: 1750 words +/- 10% (Headings, subheadings, citation author details in brackets e.g. (Smith et al.,2019), reference list not included in word count).
Referencing style: Strict APA 7th format, please access the Curtin library online for an up to date guide. Include at least 10 APA references that are highly relevant to your case study. References must include mostly credible peer-reviewed journal articles, some recent texts and practice standards. No references will be accepted more than 10 years old. In-text and end text reference list must be included.
Assessment Task:
Review the case study, complete the assessment tasks below, write and submit a report to Turnitin.
Marking Rubric Criteria 1 Content Focus
1. Describe the Patient Medical History
1. The patients’ medical-surgical history including age, gender and other relevant information.
2. Reason for hospital admission (including the pathophysiology of admitting diseases)
3. Describe the rationale for the most relevant diagnostic tests (blood tests, X-ray, ECG, CT Scans, MRI etc., 5 Max).
2. Nursing Care
Evaluate and review relevant RPH Nursing Practice Standards and Clinical Practice Standards and compare to the case study. Form an impression and highlight the main targeted issues in the case study including:
· Describe patient abnormalities and instability and apply hospital standards.
· Identify errors in the case study and describe your interpretations.
· Are any clinical assessments, interventions or standards omitted in the case study? Discuss this in your submission.
Formulate and recommend aspects of patient care based on hospital standards.
Describe and discuss:
1. A primary assessment of the patient using DRABCDE approach.
2. Other priority nursing assessments and interventions provided or could be provided and the rationale for each intervention.
3. The expected patient clinical pathway/care plan after being transferred from the ED, and include discharge planning.
Marking Rubric Criteria 2 Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC)
3. Clinical Reasoning Cycle.
Apply the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) process to the case study. Refer to the Clinical Reasoning Cycle Poster. Analyse the case study, evaluate interventions and write a description for each phase of the clinical reasoning cycle process. Conclude with a reflection on the process and your new learning. N.B. In N7 during the clinical placement you are only permitted to use the CRC. The CRC encourages critical thinking and helps students prepare for employment as a graduate RN.
Refer to Table 1: The Phases of the Clinical Reasoning Process with Examples in the Clinical-Reasoning-Instructor-Resources.pdf Use the Table 1 format and place your case study CRC process table just after discharge planning.
Important Resources
- Clinical Reasoning Cycle Poster https://www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/health-professional-education/research/clinical-reasoning/resources
- You must use APA 7th edition referencing format. Try the APA quiz. http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/referencing/apa
- Use Endnote to insert citations and create your reference list https://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/endnoteX8
- Conduct a spell and grammar check before submitting your paper? https://www.grammarly.com/office-addin/windows
- 10 or 11 points readable font (e.g., Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial etc.)
- Always try and paraphrase from your source rather than quote as it demonstrates that you have understood the material. Avoid quotation.
- English spelling rather than American spelling (e.g., “behaviour” rather than “behavior”)
also,place your case study CRC process table just after discharge planning in the essayI’ve attached an example table of CRC process