please write a 10 pageresearch paper about crisis line, help line, telephone counselling or online counselling services, preferably catered to the Chinese population? Please note that the no human subjects would be used in the research. Please use subheadings. Please use at least 6 references. Reference list must be in APA format.
Assignment Requirement:
Students will write the first draft of their capstone project. Students will use the template of the first chapter of the capstone project.
Chapter 1: Research Problem
This section will introduce your research problem. What is the issue at the heart of your research? How extensive is this problem or issue? What is the definition of this problem? You will describe the significance and context of the problem providing evidence from previous literature. You will finish the chapter with a section of definitions of terms. You will then set out the aims of your capstone, You will predict what you might find from your literature review. You will them provide a roadmap for the remainder of the capstone.
Note: you must clearly articulate in Chapter 1 why the research problem(s) you are exploring has utility and applicability within the field of counselling, psychotherapy, or areas relating to therapeutic community work. Regardless of the methodology employed, the practical therapeutic usefulness of your study must be outlined. The expectation is that critical thinking will be employed in reviewing the literature, and, where appropriate, offering alternative solutions and problem designs, for example.
a brief introduction to the topic
background material and context
a statement of the issue/problem/condition
a discussion of the purpose of the essay
a statement of the research question or thesis statement
the significance of the study
and a brief outline of the remainder of the capstone project
a brief statement about your research design and method
relevant researcher’s positioning include personal characteristics, such as gender, race, affiliation, age, sexual orientation, immigration status, personal experiences, linguistic tradition, beliefs, biases, preferences, theoretical, political and ideological stances, and emotional responses to participant
Even though no human subjects would be used in the research, the instructor would like us to practice filling in the Institutional Review Board (IRB) form.
Could you please pretend that human subjects would be used in the research and answer the following questions?
Research Question(s) (what is the area of study?)
Basis for the question including supporting quote from research (why are you conducting the research? Please drop in quotes from one of the sources that supports the research)
Purpose of the study (what are you hoping to find out?)
Methodology (How am I going to collect the data? Personal interviews? Surveys? Focus groups? Which combination of things would work best?)
Description of participants (include number, ages or age range, location, and special characteristics to include gender and ethnicity).
Recruitment Phase (Do not include your process of acquiring informed consent): Describe how participants will be identified or recruited. Include in your answer the exact wording of all notices, advertisement and/or scripts used to recruit participants. If the human participants include minors or vulnerable adults, include the script used to advise them of the study
Informed Consent Phase (do not include recruitment information): Describe your informed consent process. Include in your answer the exact wording to be used in information letters, emails, telephone scripts to participants and parents/guardians, oral scripts and/or email scripts.
What data collection tools will be used and how will they be administered? Include, as an attachment, an exact replica of data collection tools, e.g.: written questionnaires, interview questions, observation schedules and confirm the source and/or copyright permission for any collection tools from outside sources. Summarize the attachments here.
How will the confidentiality of each participant be protected?
How and where will data be stored?
Describe any possible risk or distress and safeguards in place to address risk or distress including access to counseling, with attention to vulnerable populations who may be participating in this research.
Please find attached “Online Counselling Service for Survivors of Sexual Assault in British Columbia: A Business Case” for your reference.