The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts ofhumangrowth anddevelopment.You willdiscuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. You willanalyze your life as it relates to the key aspects of human growth and development. What are key developmental times in your life and the influencing factors that led to who you are today?

Youwill alsoincorporateyourempirical studies related toyour chosendevelopmental aspect of your life. Also, use thecoursereadings or presentationsto support what you propose about your own development in your paper. Depending on your life and the influences, there may be more attention placed during one period of time.You are encouraged to glean information from your mother about her pregnancy with you to see if there were any notable issues during that time.Remember to include your spiritual developmentwith applicableresearch.

In addition, obtain as much information as you can aboutany significant events inyour early childhood years. How did you do in those key developmental years?Did you approach all developmental milestones with ease, or were there challenges?Since this is a comprehensivepaper, you will address your development acrossyour lifespan.

Finally, you will conclude your paper with addressing any current lifestyle behaviors that may influence your aging process. You willaddress these issues, how they will affect your aging process,and what you plan to do about it.

Note: Your conclusion must offer suggestions for further study.

The body of the paper must be8–10 pages (excludingthetitle page,abstract, andreference page).This assignment mustbe completed adhering strictly tocurrentAPA format.

You must include8–10peer-reviewed,relevant sources in your paper (at least 7 of the sources must beempiricalarticles). The sources mustbe less than 10 years old unlessany of the citations are linked to an author whosework is seminal to your topic.

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In healthcare, leaders are faced with emergency situations. Healthcare leaders will have to protect staff and patients. During emergency situations, hospitals and other healthcare organizations must have an emergency operations plan. For an emergency operations plan, determining a team leader, developing a command center, and training you staff to be ready for an emergency is essential. The most important part of an emergency operations plan is determining a team leader. This person will direct and communicate with the staff and command center. This individual will direct staff and communicate statistics on how many beds are open, ER capacity, OR capacity, and other information regarding the healthcare organization. It Is very important the healthcare organization or hospital has a command center. This command center communicates with the community and emergency personnel, such as police, fire, emergency transport services, and others who are on the scene so the hospital can get accurate information and start preparing for chaos. Leaders can also listen to social media, the news, the radio, or other forms of communication to get accurate information. To manage this emergency and decrease the disruption, I would first train the staff to test the emergency operations plan and to ensure they know how to respond in an emergency and what their specific responsibilities are (CREATING AN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST FOR HOSPITALS OR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES, 2019). When the plan is implemented, I would increase communication with staff and patients to build trust, feel safe, and understanding of what is happening at all times. References: CREATING AN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST FOR HOSPITALS OR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES. Medcom, Inc. (2019, December 21).

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