Students are required to prepare a professional written business report that provides critical analysis, strategy specification and strategy implementation for business case study used in assignment 1. Students must demonstrate breadth of content, depth of analysis, strategy specification, strategy implementation and quality of evaluation in a professionally presented written report.
Apply different methodologies, tools and frameworks to analyze business processes, evaluate and propose a computer based solution to a business problem
Develop technical skills and requirements for business IS and their integration into an organisation through the designing and building of business tools or applications to resolve specific business problems.
Apply a set of core IS principles that prepare them to function more efficiently and effectively as workers, managers, decision makers, and organizational leaders
Demonstrate insights into the challenging and changing role of the IS professional so that they can better appreciate the role of this key individual
Review and describe the major privacy, legal, ethical and societal issues with respect to managing strategic information systems
Understand the ICT profession and professional expectations in strategic information systems management


Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Trimester T1 2019
Unit Code HS3021
Unit Title Strategic Information Systems Management
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Group Assignment 2: Final Project Report
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to prepare a professional written business report that provides critical analysis, strategy specification and strategy implementation for business case study used in assignment 1. Students must demonstrate breadth of content, depth of analysis, strategy specification, strategy implementation and quality of evaluation in a professionally presented written report.

Apply different methodologies, tools and frameworks to analyze business processes, evaluate and propose a computer based solution to a business problem

Develop technical skills and requirements for business IS and their integration into an organisation through the designing and building of business tools or applications to resolve specific business problems.

Apply a set of core IS principles that prepare them to function more efficiently and effectively as workers, managers, decision makers, and organizational leaders

Demonstrate insights into the challenging and changing role of the IS professional so that they can better appreciate the role of this key individual

Review and describe the major privacy, legal, ethical and societal issues with respect to managing strategic information systems

Understand the ICT profession and professional expectations in strategic information systems management


Weight 50% of the total assessments
Total Marks 50
Word limit 2000-2500 words
Due Date        Week 10
Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.

The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 11-pt Times New Roman font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.

Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard style.





Assignment Specification


This assignment aims at analysing the case study requirements and its strategic IS approach, developing discussion around its evaluation and business alignment.


Report structure should be as the following:


Abstract   – one paragraph (150 words)

Introduction – Discuss the purpose of the report and its structure.

Background – Discuss in summary the scope of work, objectives, business requirements and any constraints identified in addition to those in assignment 1 (between 1-2 pages)

Analysis and Discussion – Analyse and discuss the case study using the followings topics:

Organisational analysis (External and internal environments)

Strategic information system / Disruptive technology review

Drivers and barriers

Strategic planning, project management and implementation approach including change management

Strategy Evaluation, Business IT/IS and IS/IM alignment

Conclusion – Draw conclusion with summary of findings and discuss future direction


References (make sure to use Harvard referencing)


Marking criteria


Marking criteria


Presentation (Report structure, Grammar and spelling, Written style and expression) 1.5%
Abstract 10%
Introduction 2%
Background 2.5%
Analysis and Discussion 30%
Conclusion 2.5%
References 1.5%

TOTAL Weight

Assessment Feedback:  





Marking Rubrics


Marking criteria


Very Good





Presented excellent summary of report Presented very good summary of report Presented good summary of report Presented summary of report Confusing and disjointed


Demonstrated excellent ability to introduce report Demonstrated very good ability to introduce report Demonstrated good ability to introduce report Demonstrated ability to introduce report Confusing and disjointed



scope of work, objectives, requirements and constraints in excellent manner


scope of work, objectives, requirements and constraints in very good manner

Summarised well

scope of work, objectives, requirements and constraints


scope of work, objectives, requirements and constraints

Confusing and disjointed

Analysis and Discussion

All elements are present and very well integrated


Components present with good cohesive Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Confusing, disjointed and lacks structure


Drawn excellent conclusions with clear future direction Drawn very good conclusions with clear future direction Drawn good conclusions with clear future direction Drawn conclusions with future direction Argument is confused and disjointed

Presentation, Language and Grammar

Professional presentation with excellent writing skills Professional presentation with very good writing skills Professional presentation with good writing skills Professional presentation and well written Poor presentation


5 relevant references 4 relevant references 3 relevant references 2 relevant references No relevant references




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