Description of the course:

This course explores the social, political and cultural issues related to health,

mental health and wellbeing in Australian and international communities.

What is meant by health and mental health will be explored within the social

construction of knowledge. Particular attention will be given to health and

mental health policies, practices and research and their impact on health

equity and access to services for differently placed individuals and communities.


Learning Outcomes:



Examine health and mental health issues from a variety of perspectives

including; practitioners, service-users and consumer advocates, locally,

nationally and internationally.

investigate the ways in which historical developments have shaped the

delivery of health services, medical and other treatments and policy

options around wellbeing. Define what is meant by good health, mental health and wellbeing and how these definitions are socially constructed Locate social, cultural, political and economic structural factors in the health and mental wellbeing of all peoples

Critically evaluate the range of policies and practices that influence the health and mental health agenda and their impact on equity and access issues.



Explore literature and distil key concepts and contemporary developments

Communicate social determinants of health to a variety of audiences

Communicate critiques of health, mental health and wellbeing

Communicate a variety of perspectives about health, mental health and wellbeing


Application of knowledge and skills:

Apply contemporary perspectives about health, mental health and wellbeing to practices in community and human services

Communicate with a variety of individuals and communities around the social determinants of health.


Course Content:

This course explores the social, political and cultural issues related to health,

mental health and wellbeing in Australian and international communities.

What is meant by health and mental health will be explored within the social

construction of knowledge. Particular attention will be given to health and

mental health policies, practices and research and their impact on health

equity and access to services for differently placed individuals and communities.



Develop an attitude of scholarly enquiry and an enthusiasm for knowledge about health mental health and wellbeing

Apply principles of self-directed learning in a co-operative education environment

Develop attitudes to change which reflect real world scenarios


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