Use the CSEW 2011-12 data set and SPSS software to complete all the following tasks. The numbers in brackets refer to the variable numbers in the data set.
- Describe the relationship between religious affiliation (v6) and one variable relating to feelings of safety (v16-18).
Present your findings using both percentages and frequencies and explain why both types of data must be considered in the interpretation of the results. Create a table that includes the data for all groups but compare the results for TWO religious group only.
- Examine the relationship between ONE of the ‘worry’ variables (v19-22) and respondents’ employment status (v9).
Using both observed and expected counts, present the results for all groups in table but describe how you would interpret the results for ONE employment status only.
- Use appropriate techniques to examine the relationship between employment status (v9) and worry about being a victim of crime (v31).
Compare and contrast the level of fear between any TWO
- Examine the relationship between sex (v2) and confidence in the police in respondents’ neighbourhood (v34).
Use an appropriate technique to judge the size of the difference.
- To what extent is age (v3) related to views on EITHER:
- Fairness of the criminal justice system (v33)
- Effectiveness of the criminal justice system (v32)
Provide as full an account of this relationship as possible.
Information on the Summative Assessment
In order to complete the summative assessment you will need to download the following SPSS file from Blackboard:
SY2008 Summative Assessment Data Set (CSEW 2011-12)
This data set is a simplified version of the 2011-12 Crime Survey for England and Wales data set. It contains 46,031 cases and 37 variables. You do not need to know any background information about the Crime Survey for England and Wales and should not discuss the survey or its methods in the assignment.
For the purposes of the assessment the variables should be considered to belong to the following groups:
Personal contextual variables (v2-12) | |
Name | Label |
sex | Sex |
age | Age in years |
age_group | Age group |
ethnicity | Ethnic group |
religion | Religious affiliation |
education | Educational level |
occu_class | Occupational group |
employment | Employment status |
student | Full-time student at college or university |
children | Number of children under 16 in household |
innercity | Live in an inner city area |
Experience of crime variables (v13-15) | |
Name | Label |
victim_crime | Experience of any crime in the previous 12 months |
qual_life_crime | How much quality of life is affected by CRIME (scale of 1 to 10 with 10=most affected) |
qual_life_fear | How much quality of life is affected by FEAR OF CRIME (scale of 1 to 10 with 10=most affected) |
Feelings of safety variables (v16-18) | |
Name | Label |
safe_walk_dark | How safe do you feel walking alone after dark? |
safe_walk_alone | How safe do you feel walking alone in this area during the day? |
safe_home_alone | How safe do you feel walking alone after dark? |
Worry variables (v19-22) | |
Name | Label |
worry_rape | How worried about being raped |
worry_attack | How worried about being physically attacked by strangers |
worry_insult | How worried about being insulted or pestered by anybody |
worry_race_attack | How worried about being attacked because of skin colour, ethnic origin or religion |
Confidence variables (v23-26) | |
Name | Label |
confident_punish | How confident are you that prisons are effective at punishing offenders who have been convicted of a crime? |
confident_rehab | How confident are you that prisons are effective at rehabilitating offenders who have been convicted of a crime? |
confident_prevent | How confident are you that the probation service is effective at preventing criminals from re-offending? |
confident_fair | How confident are you that the Criminal Justice System as a whole is fair? |
Police variables (v27-30) | |
Name | Label |
police_there | The police in this area can be relied on to be there when you need them |
police_respect | The police in this area would treat you with respect if you had contact with them |
police_fair | The police in this area treat everyone fairly regardless of who they are |
police_satisf | Public satisfaction with the police |
Victim variables (v31) | |
Name | Label |
worry_victim | Worry about being a victim of crime (high score = high level of worry). This variable should be treated as continuous. |
Justice variables (v32-34) | |
Name | Label |
justice_effective | Effectiveness of Criminal Justice System (high score= high opinion). This variable should be treated as continuous. |
justice_fair | Fairness of Criminal Justice System (high score=high opinion). This variable should be treated as continuous. |
police_confidence | Confidence in police in their neighbourhood (high score=high level of confidence). This variable should be treated as continuous. |
Problem variables (v35-37) | |
Name | Label |
problem_noise | How much of a problem are noisy neighbours or parties |
problem_teen | How much of a problem are teenagers hanging around |
problem_racist | How much of a problem is people being attacked because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion |