Order instructions

Topic: Select an organisation that has been identified as having weak corporate governance structures within the past 5 years. Critically evaluate their corporate governance practices including an assessment of the origins of the corporate governance issue(s) and the organisation’s response.

Writer are required to study the annual report of that chosen organization from year 2011-2016 as the assessment and analysis will be based on this 5 years results.

This research and analysis project comprises 2 elements: The research report and the skills and learning statement.

I have uploaded the instruction of this research paper. Please refer to the material uploaded. Below are some additional instructions.

For the research report, it consists of 3 parts. I will need the writer to send me part 1 first, follow by part 3 then only part 2. Skills and Learning Statement will need to submit last.

For part 1, the part of reason for choosing the organization, writer SHOULD NOT write that the organization are practicing good corporate governance as the topic of this research paper focus on the weak corporate governance of the organization chosen. Aims and objective and research questions and overall research approach can refer to sample of research paper that I have uploaded.

For the part 3 of the research report, writer need to include the use of charts, table, and graphs. The working of the calculation MUST be shown using SPREADSHEET. Writer will need to calculate some ratio such as total shareholder return ratio and etc using spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel). Writer could send it as a separate file. Writer should mention all the principle of Malaysia Code on Corporate Governance (total 8 principle). Writer should do benchmarking against the code itself and benchmark against other company (not necessarily in the same industry and can benchmark to many company, not limited to 1 company). Writer can refer to the sample of research paper and the instruction paper that I have uploaded.

I also need writer to do a PowerPoint slides for Part 3 of the research report. Note that the presentation slides are only to present Part 3 of the research report, do not include anything about part 1 and part 2. Conclusion and recommendations are a key part of the presentation slides.

Referencing is very important for this research paper. Writer should use Harvard System for referencing. Note that for this research paper, primary source will NOT be use, only secondary data should be use (Stated in instruction paper for part2)

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