For my research paper, I am going to combine both Week 6: Admissibility of Evidence and Week 7: Presenting Evidence in the Courtroom. For the admissibility of evidence, I am going to touch on what are the common things that officers and investigators do/can do in order to get evidence thrown out in court. For Presenting the evidence in court, I am going to touch a lot on the methods and reasoning behind waiting to include substantial evidence in the case and expert witnesses. The way the evidence is presented could be the difference between having a case thrown out or having a case proceed further.



Each student will be required to write an APA 6th ed. style research paper. The paper should be 8-10 pages excluding the title, abstract, and reference page. Students will be required to use a minimum of  5 peer reviewed, scholarly sources.

Please note that Wikipedia,,, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. are not scholarly resources.

Students are to select a topic of personal interest directly related to the course from any of the lesson topics. Students must receive permission for their research paper topic by emailing their professor for approval.  Students are encouraged to be creative in their choice approach.

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