Review the short video here on APA format for PowerPoint.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that contains the following information:

a. Overview of methods (clustering, association rules, regression, classification, time series analysis) Explain what the method is and provide one tangible example. Use at least one slide per method (minimum # of slides for this portion is 5)

b. Overview of your previously discussed problem and approach from previous assignment. Include industry and problem, proposed data elements, and proposed approach (minimum # of slides for this portion is 3)

c. Summary of applicable method for your previously discussed problem from previous assignment. Include the method, reason chosen and one alternative choice and why it was not the best choice (minimum # of slides for this portion is 3)


  • Use APA Formatting with Title slide, Reference slides, in-text citations, and cite/reference all graphics
  • Use a template & colors of your choice. Minimum total # slides = 13

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