Selecting and Evaluating Cross-Curricular Literacy Resources


Double spaced. APA format


Reading specialists/Literacy specialists are often tasked with evaluating and selecting engaging and relevant resources and materials for grade levels within their school. These materials need to be age appropriate and meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Often the reading specialist/literacy specialist is responsible for organizing a book/resource room where teachers can check out resources and materials to supplement the curriculum they are teaching in their classroom.


Select a grade level (K-8), a minimum of three state literacy standards, and a minimum of three content area standards for that grade level. Create a graphic organizer that includes 10 literacy resources/materials that would be helpful for teachers when teaching the selected literacy and content area standards. Be sure to select literacy resources that could be utilized in cross-curricular instruction, including some resources that represent culturally diverse perspectives. The resources should be engaging and grade-level appropriate.


Resources can include, but are not limited to:


Print and digital texts in various genres (informative, poetry, historical fiction, etc.)




Field trips

Community resources

In 500-750 words, include the following information in the graphic organizer:


Name/title and brief description of each resource

Location, contact information, or web address

Relevant state literacy and content area standards

How each resource/material could be used in the classroom to support the literacy and content area standards

How the resource/material supports culturally responsive practices

In addition to the resource graphic organizer, create a 250-500 word description of 5-7 suggested guidelines to follow when selecting culturally diverse literacy resources/materials to use in the classroom. Explain why each guideline is important.


Support the graphic organizer and guidelines with a minimum of three scholarly resources.



Read Chapters 8 and 11.


Smith, T. (2017). Reading, Writing, & Thinking: Cross-Curricular Literacy Initiatives. Tech & Learning, 38(5), 40–44.


Valenza, J. K., & Scheuer, M. A. (2017). POWERFUL PARTNERSHIPS: Literacy, your librarian, and you. Literacy Today (2411-7862), 35(1), 14–16.


Dailey, D. (2017). Using Engineering Design Challenges to Engage Elementary Students with Gifts and Talents across Multiple Content Areas. Gifted Child Today, 40(3), 137–143.


15 Great Finds for Summer: Elementary school drama grants, photo contests, imagining space, and more! (2018). Scholastic Teacher, 127(4), 19–20.


Explore “Culturally Responsive Books for Students,” located on the Inclusive Schools Network website (2017).

Culturally Responsive Books for Students




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