Elemental Brochure

Create a brochure! A brochure is often a short informational or persuasive publication about a product.  Your product is your choice of one of the elements from the Periodic Table. Using Lucidpress Brochure Maker, you will create and design your own unique brochure advertising your element.  Include as many images as you would like.  The required information on you brochure will include:

·  Name of the element

·  Atomic number

·  Atomic mass

·  Number of protons, neutrons, and electrons

·  When was it discovered

·  Who discovered it

·  How it was I discovered

·  Where did the element’s name come from

·  It’s melting and boiling point

·  State at room temperature (solid, liquid or gas)

·  One way you could cause a chemical change

·  One way you could cause a physical change

·  Two current uses for this element

·  Two possible ways to use this element in the future

Don’t forget to include your references, your name, and course section number on your brochure.  Upload your completed brochure to the assignment area.

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