When Daniel became president of a prominent nonprofit organization dedicated to caring for children with special needs, one of his primary goals was to expand the organization’s budget and thus its client capacity. In analyzing the situation, he realized that two things had to change first: (1) the values of the organization, as set by the board of trustees, had to become more aggressive and growth oriented in terms of fundraising and grant writing, and (2) the employees’ behaviors had to change accordingly. With several key staff, Daniel developed and implemented an internal campaign aimed at accomplishing these two changes with these two groups. And in just under two years, the results were phenomenal. The board shifted its values from being complacent to embracing outreach, which led to corresponding increases in receiving grants and raising monies. The staff was encouraged by this shift in values and participated wholeheartedly in the fundraising efforts. In addition, staff members increased their efficiency, allowing twice as many children to be cared for than had been possible before. Daniel’s ongoing enthusiasm became infectious. Trace what led to what in this scenario. Could the ultimate outcomes have been achieved in another way—say, with simply training the staff in fundraising techniques? Why or why not?

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