In this unit, you have learned about the distinctions between felony and misdemeanor crimes. For this assignment, imagine that you have been tasked with preparing a PowerPoint presentation about this topic to be used as a briefing backup for criminal justice personnel in your jurisdiction. In your presentation, you should do the following:

1) Contrast felony and misdemeanor crimes;

2) Describe methods for classifying felonies in your jurisdiction;

3) Describe methods for classifying misdemeanors in your jurisdiction; and

4) Identify procedures for filing motions to dismiss and expunge criminal convictions.

Your presentation will be evaluated using the following elements:

a) organization,

b) quality of presentation (appropriate graphics and/or text),

c) accuracy of briefing points (content),

d) APA-formatted in-text citations, and

e) APA-formatted references.

Your presentation must be a minimum of ten slides, not counting the title and reference slides. The speaker notes field must be used to expand on the content of the slides. At least two academic sources must be used, and any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

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