I am taking an Intro to MATLAB Programming class and I don’t know how to solve this problem. Please show and explain every step legibly. Thanks!

Write a MATLAB program that produces a numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation. This will involve the following steps: Discretize the domain of the ODE into n intervals of equal length Replace differential operator(s) by finite difference operator(s) Construct a system of linear algebraic equations that approximates the ODE Use MATLAB to solve the system of linear algebraic equations Use MATLAB to plot the results The equation to be solved is d2y 18x, for osxs 2, with boundary conditions y (0) a and y (2) b dx2 Your program must allow the user to specify n, a and b. For debugging use n-10, a (-5), and b 19. Determine the analytic solution of the problem with these boundary conditions, and plot the computed solution and the analytic solution on the same graph

Write a MATLAB program that produces a numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation. This will involve the following steps: Discretize the domain of the ODE into n intervals of equal length Replace differential operator(s) by finite difference operator(s) Construct a system of linear algebraic equations that approximates the ODE Use MATLAB to solve the system of linear algebraic equations Use MATLAB to plot the results The equation to be solved is d2y 18x, for osxs 2, with boundary conditions y (0) a and y (2) b dx2 Your program must allow the user to specify n, a and b. For debugging use n-10, a (-5), and b 19. Determine the analytic solution of the problem with these boundary conditions, and plot the computed solution and the analytic solution on the same graph

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