HIST 2162 Module 1 Essay 1 Topic: The New South, The New West, and the Industrializing Northeast, c. 1877 to c. 1900 Refer to the Syllabus for the length requirement and see the Grade Criteria for Expectations. Reflection Essay 1 Question 1: Consider the impact of each of the following three regions on U.S. History from 1877 through the early 1900’s: the Industrializing East, the New South, and the New West: How did each of these regions reflect the major themes of American history in this period? Which of the three regions do you believe exerted the most influence on the course of American history during this time? Why? Which of the two remaining regions do you believe had the least influence on American history udring this period? Why? Be specific, with at least three examples for your choice for the most influential and least influential regions (three for each of the two regions.)] HIST 2162 Reflection Essay Grade Criteria & Grade Comments Criteria: There are five specific grade criteria for this assignment. Please refer to the Syllabus for the instructions for this assignment. 1. Thesis Statement: the paper will have a solid thesis statement which provides an argument to guide the flow of ideas in the paper. (20 points) 2. Conclusion: the paper will have a solid conclusion to wrap up the ideas used to support the thesis statement. (20 points) 3. Comprehension: the paper shows a thorough understanding of the course material in question, using specific examples from the course. (20 points) 4. Solid Examples: the paper has solid examples, fully explained and analyzed by the student in the context of the thesis statement, to support the argument. (20 points) 5. Grammar and Spelling: the paper follows the rules of good English grammar and spelling, with few errors if any. (20 points) Grade Comments: Thesis Statement (20 points) Your Thesis Score: A (18-20 points): you have a solid thesis statement with an argument. B (16-17 points): your thesis is somewhat broad and your argument is weak. C (14-15 points): your thesis is weak and does not present an argument. D (12-13 points): your thesis statement merely states a fact. F (0-11 points): you do not have a thesis statement. Conclusion (20 points) Your Conclusion Score: A (18-20 points): you have a strong conclusion in a solid paragraph that wraps up the argument. B (16-17 points): your conclusion is somewhat broad and in need of focus. C (14-15 points): your conclusion is weak and does not wrap up the paper. D (12-13 points): your conclusion is far too vague. F (0-11 points): you do not have an effort at a conclusion. Comprehension (20 points) Your Comprehension Score: A (18-20 points): you have a thorough understanding of the hate group, using specific examples based on material from the course. B (16-17 points): you exhibit some understanding of the material and have some examples from the course material. C (14-15 points): you exhibit some understanding of the material and your examples are rather broad with little use of the course material. D (12-13 points): you exhibit a vague understanding of the material and little grasp of the pertinent course materials. F (0-11 points): you do not exhibit an adequate understanding of the material or the pertinent course materials. Solid Examples (20 points) Your Solid Examples Score: A (18-20 points): you have several solid examples based on material from your reading and from the course material. B (16-17 points): you have some examples based on material from your reading and from the course material. C (14-15 points): you have some examples but they were rather broad and needed more development. D (12-13 points): your examples are vague and reflect little grasp of the pertinent course materials. F (0-11 points): you do not have adequate examples or use of pertinent course materials. Grammar & Spelling (20 points) Your Grammar & Spelling Score: A (19-20 points): you have no significant or serious grammatical errors; it is virtually perfect. B (16-17 points): you have a minor error or two, probably due to proofreading. C (14-15 points): you have two or more major errors. D (12-13 points): you have three or four major errors. F (0-11 points): you have numerous and significant grammatical and spelling errors. You should address all these points in your essay.


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