F ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍ ind an example of a minimum of three (3) of the following design or compositional principles that landscape architects employ. Design Principles: shape and form, texture, color, visual weight. Compositional Principles: proportion, order, repetition, unity, balance. In your own words, define the principles you select, share an example of a landscape that demonstrates each principle, and explain why you think the corresponding example is a strong representation of the principle. Your ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍ examples should illustrate the design and compositional principles seen in landscape designs NOT architectural designs. My classmates already post this landscape examples: The University of Washington Empire State Plaza Escena Palm Springs community A Private Garden by Fernando Caruncho, Majorca Spain Mad De Les Voltes by Fernando Caruncho, Catalonia, Spain Casa Caruncho by Fernando Caruncho, Madrid Spain What you can do is not include the images only text to comply the instructions ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍ .

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