You must complete both parts of the assignment. Please complete both parts of the
assignment separately. You should allocate approximately 1500 words on both Part
A and approximately 1500 words on the policy-based essay question in Part B. There
is a strict word limit of 3000 words for this assignment.
For both parts of the assignment you will be required to go beyond the study
materials for this unit and you will be expected to conduct your own research of
cases and other academic material upon which you should base your answer.
You are encouraged to use headings for purposes of clarity and presentation of your
assignment. It is however essential that your assignment is written in full sentences
and not dot point form. If you use any equations in solving the problem question
please make sure that you cite the correct sections of the relevant legislation and
that you outline your entire working.
You must begin each question separately. It is however essential that you place your
name and student number and the question number on each question which you
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