(* To earn full credit, you must answer each question with 200-250 words, and you must include 2-3 references to evidence from the chapter. Cite the page number.)
1. How did technological advances, such as the magnetic needle compass, junks, and dhows, fuel the maritime revolution in 1000–1300?
2. What political forces contributed to the fragmentation of the Islamic world in this period? What cultural forces provided a unifying force within Islam?
3. Compare raja-ruled India with that of Muslim-Turkish regimes such as the Delhi Sultanate.
4. How did economic and manufacturing developments, coupled with political developments, cement the power of the Song dynasty? How did Song interactions with nomads and neighbors lead to distinctive identities for both the Song and their neighbors?
5. How did developments such as manorialism, universities, and the Crusades contribute to Europe’s identity as a fragmented yet distinctive cultural sphere?
6. Compare the trans-Saharan trade of the Mande-speaking peoples of West Africa and later Mali Empire that developed there with the Indian Ocean trade of the Shona-speaking peoples of East Africa. What goods were traded and what was the impact of that trade on these two regions of Africa?
7. Compare the degrees of integration in various regions of the Americas: South America (Chimú Empire), Mesoamerica (Toltecs), and North America (Cahokia).
8. What enabled the Mongols to conquer such huge swaths of territory across Eurasia? Contrast the expansion of Hulagu into the west with that of Kubilai Khan in the east?