. Indicate where the feedback forms you are reviewing came from. You may have to ask for a feedback form if you cannot find one easily. Please feel free to evaluate online feedback forms for this discussion (the online link is often found at the bottom of a sales receipt).
Considerations: Types of questions asked, font, number of questions, how they are worded (leading questions, sense of humor, professionalism, etc), what you do with the form when completed (self-stamped, email response, etc). Read over the “Seven Deadly Sins of Feedback Cards” on page 129. Does this company commit any of the sins?
2. Have you filled out feedback forms before? Why or why not?
3. If you have filled out forms in the past, did the company follow up with you? Explain. If they did not, explain what they could have done.
4. If you have not filled out forms in the past, what would it take to get you to complete a form for a business and what would you expect in return?
5. (from p 141 with Your Ongoing Case): Write a general description of how open you believe your organization’s people are to negative feedback. Include your personal feelings. What do you and others do to block the reception of good feedback? Again, be very specific.Respond to at least one classmate regarding their post. Do not simply agree/affirm what they wrote. Add something meaningful to the discussion. Be sure to post on time, use spelling/grammar check, relate any personal experiences, and reference (cite page number in parentheses) what you have been reading for full credit potential