Individual essay (35%) 1,500 words (due Week 11_Friday, at 12pm noon)

Essay: Compare and contrast the impacts of social determinants of health in the context of HIV/AIDS. To make this comparison, use two of the following social determinants of health and one vulnerable group along with the corresponding countries.


Social determinants of health

  • Stigma and discrimination
  • Social justice
  • Economic condition
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Health care system


Vulnerable groups

  • Women – Swaziland vs Australia
  • Men who have sex with men (MSM) – South Africa vs Australia
  • Sex workers – Thailand vs Australia
  • People who use injecting drug – USA vs Australia


The essay should build an argument that demonstrates original thinking and analysis as well as an understanding of different and diverse social and cultural perspectives. You will find it helpful to review the responses prepared to the weekly enquiry focused questions throughout Enquiry 2.

As you progress through Enquiry 2, you will begin to see how several elements of the different topics are associated with one another. You should use this in preparing your response to the essay question.


Essay structure


Note: this is just to give an idea of the structure of the essay. This structure and word count in each section are indicative only, you may NOT need to follow them strictly.

Sub-headings are acceptable in this essay.



In one coherent paragraph, clearly mention the names of the countries, the vulnerable group and the two social determinants you have considered for the essay. It may be better to put it as an aim, for example, “this essay will describe the situation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in Thailand and Australia and compare the impacts of gender and health care system on sex workers in the context HIV/AIDS in these two countries”. Note that this is just an example, you may have many other ways to express this. The most important thing is to make the elements clear in the aim.

Also, within the introduction, you should briefly mention the nature (incidence and/or prevalence) of HIV/AIDS in Australia and the chosen country regarding the patterns of transmission for your vulnerable group (you should NOT discuss the physiological mechanism of the disease).

Include definitions of the key terms (e.g., HIV/AIDS) to be used in the essay and provide an outline of the key points to be discussed. Present the elaborated forms of abbreviations (e.g. men who have sex with men (MSM)) the first time they appear and subsequently use the abbreviations only.




≈ 200 words



Describe the situation of HIV/AIDS and its risk factors among your chosen vulnerable group in the context of Australia and the other country. This may include recent statistics, and trends, patterns in terms of prevalence and/or incidence among the vulnerable group, those who are living with HIV; historical data of casualties etc.


HIV/AIDS and the vulnerable group – The situation

≈ 200 words


Should cover your understanding of the impact of your first chosen social determinant of health in the context of HIV/AIDS in relation to the chosen vulnerable group in two countries.

Compare and contrast the impact of social determinant1 of health on the vulnerable group in two countries.

To conclude this paragraph/section, summarise your research in a clear statement as to how the social determinant impacts on the vulnerable group for each country.


Social determinant1 (e.g. gender)

≈ 400 words


Should cover your understanding of the impact of your second chosen social determinant of health in the context of HIV/AIDS in relation to the chosen vulnerable group in the two countries.

Compare and contrast the impact of social determinant2 of health on the vulnerable group in two countries.

To conclude this paragraph/section, summarise your research in a clear statement as to how the social determinant impacts on the vulnerable group for each country.


Social determinant2 (e.g. living environment)

≈ 400 words



Describe the recommendations based on your analysis of the impacts of two social determinants of health on the chosen vulnerable group in the countries’ context.



≈ 150 words


Should briefly summarise the main points in the essay, tying together the main findings.



≈ 150 words




As per APA6 referencing style


Individual essay formatting



Cover page

Student Name:

Subject name: Social Determinants of Health Subject Code: HPHE1SDH

Assessment name: Individual Essay Word count: …



Formatting instructions are as follows:

  • Times New Roman – 12-point
  • 5 or double line spacing.
  • Margins – 1 inch on all sides, including top, bottom, left and
  • Sub-headings are
  • Page Numbers – Page numbers should be located in the upper right
  • 1500 words +/- 10%.
  • First-line indents or space between paragraphs – either one could be used for starting a new

Note: The total word counts include subheadings, all text including in-text citations, but excludes the reference list and the cover page.

Referencing format


In-text citations must be used as per APA6 referencing conventions. For resources on APA6 referencing style, please see the mini referencing PowerPoint and library resources in the Assessment folder of LMS. A reference list must be included at the end of the report. The references should consist of evidence-based, peer-reviewed materials. Consumer sources, like the Better Health Channel, are not appropriate. School (VCE) material and lecture notes may not be used.

Please note – If you would prefer to use APA7; you are free to do so as long as you are consistent throughout.


As this essay relies on the use of up-to-date data for incidence and prevalence, it is fine to use websites such as;


Consider the La Trobe University policies:





  Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


/15 marks

The introduction presents a clear, logical and well-written overview.


Key terms are clearly defined.


Key points to be covered in the essay are succinctly outlined providing a clear and well-defined structure for

the essay.

The introduction presents a clear overview.


Key terms are defined.


Key points to be covered in the essay are outlined and a clear structure is provided.

The introduction presents a sound overview.


Most key terms are defined.


Most key points to be covered in the essay are outlined.

There is an attempt to produce an introduction presenting a limited overview.


Some key terms are defined.


Some key points to be covered in the essay are outlined.

There is no introduction, or the introduction does not adequately introduce the points to be covered in the essay.


Key terms are not clearly defined

Body: Examination of the impact of social determinants in the context of HIV/AIDS.


/45 marks

The essay shows a comprehensive description and examination of:


The situation of HIV/AIDS and its risk factors among the chosen vulnerable group in the context of the countries.


The impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Thoroughly identifies and compares HIV/AIDS in Australia and another chosen country.

The essay shows a well- developed description and examination of:


The situation of HIV/AIDS and its risk factors among the chosen vulnerable group in the context of the countries.


The impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Clearly identifies and compares HIV/AIDS in Australia and another chosen country.

The essay shows a good description and examination of:


The situation of HIV/AIDS and its risk factors among the chosen vulnerable group in the context of the countries.


The impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Somewhat identifies and compares HIV/AIDS in Australia and another chosen country.

The essay shows a satisfactory description and examination of:


The situation of HIV/AIDS and its risk factors among the chosen vulnerable group in the context of the countries.


The impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Limited identification and comparison of HIV/AIDS in Australia and another chosen country.

The essay shows an inadequate description and examination of:


The situation of HIV/AIDS and its risk factors among the chosen vulnerable group in the context of the countries.


The impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Little to no identification and comparison of HIV/AIDS in Australia and another chosen country.

Recommendations and Conclusion


/10 marks

Comprehensive recommendations have been made based on the research from the essay.


Draws clear and precise conclusions about the impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Succinctly ties together responses to the essay topic.

Clear recommendations have been made based on the research from the essay.


Draws clear conclusions about the impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Clearly ties together responses to the essay topic.

Some good recommendations have been made based on the research from the essay.


Draws relatively good conclusions about the impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Somewhat ties together responses to the essay topic.

Limited recommendations have been made.


Draws limited conclusions about the impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


Limited tying together of the responses to the essay topic.

Little to no recommendations have been made.


Draws little or no conclusions about the impact of the two social determinants of health on the vulnerable group in the context of HIV/AIDS.


No tying together of the responses of the essay.



  Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Language / organisation and writing style


/10 marks

The essay is very well organised and presented with almost no errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing and formatting.


Word count is within the limit. Expression is accurate, clear and precise.

The essay is well organised and presented with minimal errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing and formatting.


Word count is within the limit. Expression is mostly accurate and clear.

The essay is reasonably well organised and presented. There are minor errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing and formatting.


Word count is within the limit. Expression is somewhat accurate and clear.

The essay is poorly organised and presented.

There are many errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing and formatting.


Word count is not within the limit.

Expression is limited in its accuracy.

The essay has little or no sequencing or flow of ideas. Ideas are somewhat carelessly presented.


Attention to detail is lacking with many errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing and formatting.


Word count is not within the limit. Expression is frequently inaccurate.

Use of literature and referencing Arguments and ideas are very well supported by evidence from the


Arguments and ideas are usually supported by evidence from the


Arguments and ideas are sometimes supported by

evidence from the literature.

Limited attempts have been made to use evidence from the


There has been little or no attempt to use evidence to support ideas and


/15 marks          
  Evidence and sources are relevant, appropriate (i.e., from credible sources) and sufficient. Evidence and sources are usually relevant, appropriate (i.e., from credible sources) and sufficient. Some evidence and sources are irrelevant. Evidence and/or sources are mostly irrelevant or not taken from appropriate sources.  
Integrating & acknowledging sources

/ Appropriate referencing (APA)


/5 marks

Highly accurate adherence to APA referencing style.


Source material is integrated seamlessly into the text, mostly using paraphrasing.

Accurate adherence to APA referencing style with limited errors.


Source material is reasonably well integrated into the text, mostly using paraphrasing.

Mostly adheres to APA referencing style with some errors.


Some problems with integrating source material into the text.

Limited adherence to APA referencing style with multiple errors.


Significant problems with paraphrasing.

Little or no adherence to APA referencing style.

Large sections of the text have been copied directly from source materials without proper referencing and/or paraphrasing.


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