(I was thinking Salvation Army- Feeding the Hungry) Each student will write a 3-4 page paper detailing their participation at a community-based event focused on macro-issues. For purposes of this assignment, community-based events are those activities outside of the university and outside of a student’s normal work and/or typical family or social responsibilities. Examples of community events include (but are not limited to):

♣ City council meetings focused on community events

♣ Community clean-ups

♣ Community fundraisers (e.g., 5K run/walk)

♣ Volunteer events

♣ Community fairs

♣ Community coalition meetings Students can volunteer at, participate in, or observe the proceedings of the event. They are expected to spend at least 1.0 hours at this event. From this experience, the student will reflect on the experience including:

♣ Identify the need/problem being addressed at the event, the specific target population affected/served, and the arena in which the action is taking place (10 points).

♣ Describe the event. What happened? How did the organizers attempt to address the need/problem? (15 points)

♣ Formulate a hypothesis that best approximates what the organizers would say are the goals and outcomes for the event. (e.g., If we__________, then the problem/population will___________) (5 points)

♣ Given the course content, provide an assessment of how successfully the event addressed the program hypothesis and outcomes identified (20 points).

♣ In what ways did the event integrate the local community and population affected/served? (10 points)

♣ How could the event be improved? Identify three concrete changes that would better address the program goal(s)/outcomes (15 points).

♣ Identify three lessons learned at the event that can contribute to effective practice with organizations and communities (15 points).

♣ Correct form (grammar, spelling, APA) (10 points)

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