Identify a community-directed nutrition intervention or program aimed at improving the food choices of Australian Indigenous people that has been successful or unsuccessfully implemented. This program can be in an urban or rural setting. Draw on the perceptions and attitudes outlined in the article by
24(3):387- 400, to understand the ‘enablers’ and ‘barriers’ to healthy food choices among Australian
Aboriginals living in remote communities as a starting point.
In your article you are required to identify the elements from a sociological perspective that contributed to the program success or failure. Additionally, you are required to select another nutrition program or intervention that has been successfully implemented in an international setting to strengthen your observations and argument. Compare and contrast the international intervention elements from a sociological perspective to the local program.
The assignment should be structured as an essay with an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Useful websites:
? Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet available at: https://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/
? Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) available at: https://www.aihw.gov.au/indigenous-australians/
? The Lowitja Institute available at: https://www.lowitja.org.au/indigenous-health-and- education-exploring-connections

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