The Director of National Intelligence has contacted you regarding some Intel his team of analysts recently deciphered. The Intelligence team has spent the last 12 months tracking Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Program. Using satellite capabilities the Intelligence division has been successful in keeping conservative monitoring on the Parchin Plant. Unfortunately, even after some of the strongest sanctions in history, Iran has still not given any outsiders access to the Plant and the US has been unsuccessful in getting confirmed intelligence from insiders. However, the Intelligence division has intercepted communications between Iran and one of its Uranium dealers. According to the communications on May 1st Iran will be receiving more than the necessary Uranium to activate a long reaching nuclear weapon.
The Director of National Intelligence has contacted you as the Director of Nuclear Intelligence for the CIA to create a Mission Plan that would be successful in acquiring more supporting documentation that Iran is truly buying the large amount of Uranium for the purposes of arming a nuclear weapon. The mission is not to interfere in the dealings, but rather to obtain evidence Iran received the Uranium upon the completion of the sale.
The President has called you separately and has reminded you this assignment must be both classified and handle with extreme care. He has expressed his concerns that the Intelligence be absolute and be confirmed directly by members of your team. He will not tolerate another incident where the United States is dragged into a war just to uncover there were no weapons of “mass destruction.”

Purchase of Uranium: 18,000kg
Amount of Uranium needed for long-range nuclear weapon: 16,000kg (16kg per planned weapon
Uranium Seller: Classified
Place of Sale: Iran is believed to be using one of its Natural Gas Pipeline routes to bring the shipment on to land. Most likely in Asaluyeh or Bandar Abbas Destination of Shipment: Parchin Plant
Time of Sale: May 1st at 0200hrs
Approximate Delivery Time of Shipment to the plant: 14hrs
Type of Shipment: 200 litre drums packed into normal shipping boxes (650 boxes) Payment amount: 180mm
Type of Uranium: U-235 high enriched uranium
Payment method: Gold
Payment structure: standby letter of credit (SBLC) issued by Lloyds of London Paper trail: The Gold which is the collateral for the SBLC is being held in Switzerland in Deutche Bank’s Vault and will be drawn down immediately upon the delivery of shipment
Transportation of Shipment: armored delivery vans brought in by private plans (landing site unknown)

Requested Intelligence:
– Documentation confirming SBLC
– Documentation confirming SBLC is backed by Iranian Gov’t owned Gold
– Video and Pictures of the shipment being dropped
– Proof the shipment is weapon grade Uranium
– Evidence the Parchin Plant is using the Uranium to produce a bomb

– 20 CIA analysts with extensive experience with Iran
– Access to 2 inside informants
– 5mm for travel expenses
– 1mm for additional staff support that might be needed
– Access to a team of 20 MSOR (Marine Special Ops) team Alpha

– Prepare 1-2 page breakdown of Intel questions you might want answered by the inside informants.
– Prepare a 1-2 breakdown of how you will be using your resources.
– Prepare a 1-2 breakdown of your action plan.
– Pull all the pieces together in a final Mission Plan that will smoothly outline the plan with all identified holes being filled


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