
Choose any one service firm of your choice from within the hotel industry, airlines, banking, insurance, accounting, legal, education, travel, health, consultation services, or beauty clinic. This could be easily achieved by surfing the Internet.

Next, you should place yourself into shoes of customers and write a complaint letter to a chosen service firm. The complaint letter written to the chosen service firm should request a response from the organization and should provide appropriate contact information including a mailing address, e-mail address, phone number (if appropriate), and any other relevant information, to give the service firms a chance to respond within a period of two weeks. The complaint scenario could be your past or present experience or an experience related to you by your family or friends. Care should be taken to include all pertinent information (dates of service, names, etc.) as well as a description of the poor experience and, if appropriate, a suggested course of action the company could take to appropriately “recover” in this situation. That is, the resolution being sought from the company should be clear


As a next step, you should place yourself into the role of the given service provider and write a formal response to the complaint letter. This reply letter should address an apology to the customer first, followed by the steps taken by the firm to resolve the particular grievance/s if appropriate, and the care that would be taken in future to avoid such situations. The resolutions offered by the service firm could also include surprise gifts, benefits, bonus, coupons etc., to the grievant customer


Next, underlying roots and factors that played a role in poor performance of the service provider should be analysed through cause and effect analysis. The results of the analysis should be shown through a fishbone diagram (see page 427 for information on cause and effect analysis) and should be discussed and elaborated in depth in an essay


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