
The marking criteria are as follows:

  1. The improvement made to research problem – 7.5;
  2. The improvement made to research design – 7.5;
  3. The relevance of your research findings to your research problem and research design – 10;
  4. The adequacy of data in your research findings – 10;
  5. The quality of your conclusion and its relations to your research problem – 5.

The referencing style for this unit is APA 6th Ed.
(please need in-text reference and reference list only)


I will upload my previous essay on the file, and I did some change on the topic. For this essay, I only want to talk about the agricultural trade, before I was talk about the general trade, here are some things I wish you notice, thanks so much.


  1. Please try to find some content about China join after WTO that relative the china’s agriculture agreement, what is exactly in it?
  2. How is the china’s agricultural trade tariff change (after join WTO)?
  3. How did China open the “door” to rest of country, open all together or step by step?
  4. Because the agriculture in WTO is quite sensitive, please don’t make any general conclusion, like: China’s agriculture has steadily developed and comprehensive productivity has increasingly improved. (because that also may be affected by other sectors)
  5. If you can use those two table that would be great.


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