Written Communication Analysis: (100 pts.)
This paper (minimum of 3 page double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, plus a cover and a Works Cited Page) requires you to select a film clip and identify six (6) communication concepts/terms and explain how these concepts are seen in your chosen clip. For example, in Catch Me If You Can, you could identify (a) code switching, (b) deception, (c) ethics,
(d) identity/impression management, and (e) self-disclosure, and nonverbal communication.
First, define the terms according to your textbook (use terms from textbook only). Then, demonstrate your concept with an example. Finally, cite your sources in APA format. This is a written assignment and you will not be required to present this in front of the class.
Written Communication Analysis Rubric
Cover Page (Reflects correct APA Formatting) 5 points
Definition of Terms (6 concepts x 5 points each) 30 points
Organization (Clear-cut Headers and Relevant Discussion) 10 points
Grammar (Meets written communication competencies in syllabus) 15 points
Citations (2 required APA Citations on a Works Cited Page) 10 points
In-Text Citations (at least one per concept @ 5 points each) 30 points
Totals = 100 points