A.An ideal transition curve is


(a) clothoid (b) cubic parabola

(c) Bernoulli’s lemniscate (d) parabola

B. Froude’s transition curve is

(a) cubic spiral (b) cubic parabola

(c) Bernoulli’s lemniscate (d) ellipse

C. Pick out the correct statement.

(a) Cubic spiral is known as Froude’s transition curve.

(b) Cubic parabola is known as clothoid.

(c) Reverse curve is known as easement curve.

(d) None of the above.

D. In India, curves are designated by

(a) degree of curve (b) radius of curve

(c) length of curve (a) all of the above

E. The arc definition for degree of curve is practised in

(a) highways (b) railways

(c) canal alignment (d) tunnels

F. Pick out the correct statement.

(a) Cubic spiral is more widely used than cubic parabola since the former is

simple to set out.

(b) In the equation of a cubic spiral, only one approximation is made, whereas in

the equation of a cubic parabola, two approxima tions are made, which makes

cubic spiral superior to cubic parab ola.

(c) The shift of a curve is given to be L2/(24 R 2 )

(d) Bernoulli’s lemniscate is the ideal transition curve.


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