Before reading the discussion that follows, consider the case example presented here and identify any ethical concerns or violations you find. Remember to consider both the written code of ethics and the underlying principles that we just discussed. Keep in mind, too, that real situations often present conflicts between values, both of which may be good in themselves, and that sometimes conflicts will also arise between aspects of the same ethics code. When you have finished reading the chapter, review this case again and discuss it with your peers and instructor: A therapist who specializes in work with geriatric clients also serves as head of a charitable organization. After a meeting of the organization, a woman who is both a close friend and serves as vice chair of the charity’s executive board approaches the therapist. The woman is having problems with her 15-year-old daughter, who has been skipping school and seems moody and depressed. Because she trusts her friend, the woman asks the therapist to see her daughter for therapy. The therapist agrees to do so without charge and suggests her daughter might be more amenable if she stopped by the therapist’s house instead of her office. The girl comes to visit at the appointed time, but her mother has neglected to tell her the visit is for therapy. The therapist simply says that it has been a long time since she has seen the girl and explains that she just wants to talk. While talking, the girl tearfully and rather abruptly confides that she is having problems with an uncle who lives with the family and has been sexually abusing her. The girl says she has tried to tell her mother, but because the uncle is her mother’s brother, she fears that her mother would disbelieve her. The girl is so upset about the experience that she has confided in a friend about wanting to kill herself. The therapist listens empathically; after the girl has left, the therapist calls the mother to tell her what happened in therapy.

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