2. A. List any six physiological needs. (6 marks)
B. Explain the key concepts in the definition of motivation. (6 marks)
C. How do the basic theories of motivation explain how we fall into temptations? (8 marks)

3. A. Discuss, using an illustration of a musician that you love, the components of an emotion. (6 marks)
B. Describe the studies that support the James-Lange theory of emotion. (6 marks)
C. Present the studies that support the universality of emotional expression. (8 marks)

4. Using examples drawn from the Kenyan and American political campaigns to illustrate your answers list and explain five significant characteristics of the source and five other significant characteristics of the message in attitude change. (20 marks)

5. A. What are “psychosomatic symptoms of stress”? (2 marks)
B. Explain with an example in each case, conflict frustration. (6 marks)
C. Describe with an example in each case any six defence mechanisms. (12 marks)


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