Data: Basic Data Analysis in RStudio

Background: This course is all about data visualization. However, we must first have some understanding about the dataset that we are using to create the visualizations.


Use RStudio to generate a word document with basic data analysis of the following dataset (also included in separate section) :  dataset_price_personal_computers.csv


1. Create a summary of stats for the dataset. (provide a screen shot)

2.Create a correlation of stats for the dataset. (provide a screen shot) (Hint: Transform may be needed)

3. What is the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the Price? (provide a screen shot)

4.What is the correlation values between Price, Ram, and Ads? (provide a screen shot)

5. Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, CD, and Premium. (provide a screen shot)

6. Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, HD, and Ram where Price is greater than or equal to $1750. (provide a screen shot)

7. What percentage of Premium computers were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Categorical analysis)

8. How many Premium computers with CDs were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Contingency table analysis)

9. How many Premium computers with CDs priced over $2000 were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Conditional table analysis)

Your document should be an easy-to-read font in MS Word.

Submit your assignment on or before the due date is Jan 29th 2020

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