
You need to select a ‘Software as a Service’ (SaaS) provider and then evaluate the backup arrangements that it supports. There are many instances of SaaS providers that you can choose from, including Google Docs, MS 365, Zoho, Salesforce, Xero, MYOB, Flickr, YouTube and

Paper A documents a risk assessment process relating to the use of service-providers to store data. Before commencing the Assignment, you need to read Paper A. Paper A refers to a previous paper, B, and you may find it useful to read that one as well.

Paper A: Backup and the Cloud: Survival Strategies for Users Dependent on Service-Providers.

Paper B: Practicable Backup Arrangements for Micro-Organisations and Individuals’.
The assignment depends on material in Lecture 4, so make sure that you read and understand the material.

The Assignment
1. Select a company that provides SaaS services of interest to you. Paper A in section 5 identifies relevant market segments and examples of services that you may wish to consider.
2. Propose to the tutor the name of the service that you’ve chosen.
3. Paper A contains what it calls a Practicable Backup Plan that users (such as yourself) can apply in order to ensure that you don’t lose data. Use that Backup Plan to evaluate the service, and determine to what extent the measures in the Plan can be implemented.
4. Write a report on your findings, providing references, and attaching evidence such as screen-shots to support your analysis. Your report must use the Backup Plan to evaluate the service, determine to what extent the measures in the Plan can be implemented, provide references and attach supporting evidence.

The primary criterion used in marking your reports is how well it addresses the substance of the matter, not how long or short it is. However, an indicative length is 2500 words, plus attachments as appropriate.

1. If the service is simple and/or well-documented, this may be a relatively easy assignment, in which case you need to conduct your analysis in depth, and present a comprehensive report.
2. Conversely, if the service is complex and/or poorly-documented, you may need to conduct experiments, engage with users on discussion-boards, attempt to get answers from the company, etc. In that case, you may not be able to complete all of the analysis and your report will need to explain what you have done, what you have achieved, and what you have not been able to find out.

Bonus Marks [5 marks]

Extend your report by identifying aspects of the Practicable Backup Plans in Paper A (and in Paper B if appropriate) that you consider could be improved, providing constructive criticism, and suggestions for improvements. An indicative length for this extension is 500 words, plus any appropriate attachments.

Marking Scheme
Allowance will be made if the service is difficult to analyse. But if you encounter difficulties, you need to explain what they are, and provide evidence of what you’ve done in an endeavour to overcome them.

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