Please don’t write in all the subheadings the essay has to flow.
Topic: Person Centred Planning with Autism (3000 words) Harvard references with page numbers. (Web pages. http://- then the title of the article/date)
Chapters to cover: What is a Learning Disability? What is Autism? People with ASD can have accompanying Learning disabilities and mental health needs, but not all of them do. (Please include somewhere in the essay)
1. The History of learning disabilities, what are they? How people were treated in the past? To now.
2. Normalisation/ social/medical model/radical/ eugenic model/ John O Brien/ equal citizen approach/Citizen theory/Gift model/ Empowerment.
3. Introduction to Person centred planning?
4. Legal requirements – Disability Discrimination Act (2005)
Human rights Act (1998). A life like any other?
White paper Valuing People (2001)
Equality Act (2010)
NHS/ Community Care Act (1990) (2014)
An old government paper on autism???
(The above covers learning outcome 2.)
5. What influences do the above policies have on a day to day basis with a person/or families with a learning disability? Stigma/ discrimination/ social exclusion/ labelling.
6. Explain the Four Key Principles: Rights/ Choice/ Independence/ Inclusion.
7. What is a person centred toolkit?
8. Tools used in Person centred planning- MAPS/ PATHS/ Circles of Support/ Person Future planning/ Essential lifestyle planning. All these apply but only use a couple of examples from them E.G Circles of support/Essential lifestyle planning?
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