Using a theoretical technique(s) that have been discussed thus far, please upload a video of you demonstrating the technique(s). You will need to find someone willing to be your “client”. You must also be aware of your non-verbal and verbal communication and strategies that should be implemented. Your video should be 2-3 minutes long.



Active Listening:

Attending and encouraging-postural, visual contact, gestures and facial expressions

Restating-repeating exact words used by client

Paraphrasing-repeating thoughts and feelings of client

Reflecting content-counselor shares his/her perceptions of the thoughts client is expressing

Reflecting feeling-counselor goes beyond ideas and thoughts expressed by the client and responds to feelings and emotions

Clarifying-asking client to define or explain words, thoughts or feelings

Perception checking-making sure client has drawn to regard their words, thoughts and feelings

Summarizing-verbally review various information, highlight significant information and offer client opportunity to hear various issues brought up    ing the rig�xw03�

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