Assignment reusable straws – Marketing Management In the past couple of years, the global shift toward selling and buying more eco-friendly products seems to have accelerated. In virtually any industry, environmental friendliness and sustainability have become a hot topic. The hospitality industry is no exception to this. The other day, you were having dinner at one of the fancier restaurants in town and you noticed your drinks came with stainless steel reusable straws. This has been the first time you came across them in the UAE. A quick search on Google is telling you that they are far from ubiquitous where you live – which makes you catch the idea to start selling them in the UAE too. After all, you believe the market is far from saturated. To substantiate this hunch, you are going to apply what we learned during our Marketing Management course and determine whether selling stainless steel reusable straws yourself would be a viable endeavour in the UAE. Your first step will be to determine and develop your value proposition.

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