You have been given two non-SPSS data sets to import into SPSS and process:

1. Data set: Import the Excel file Ch 10 – Exercise 04A.xls into SPSS Codebook Variable: group Definition: Group assignment Type: Continuous (1 = Control, 2 = Treatment) Variable: score Definition: Participant’s pretest score Type: Continuous

NOTE: The import utility does not know what value labels are involved in the (categorical) group variable; it will just bring in the 1’s and 2’s. You will need to assign the corresponding value labels. Compute a t test on score using group as the grouping variable.

b. Data set: Import the ASCII (text) file Ch 10 – Exercise 04B.txt into SPSS Codebook Variable: ID Definition: Participant’s ID Type: Continuous Variable: pretest Definition: Pretest score Type: Continuous Variable: posttest Definition: Posttest score Type: Continuous


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