Topic: Applying my Ethical Theory

Thread: For Discussion Board Forum 3, you devised your own approach to metaethics. Now it is time to see how well it can be applied to actual issues. Your assignment for this week’s Discussion Board is to briefly remind us of your approach to metaethics (this should only take a few lines) and then apply this approach to one of the issues in applied ethics that were discussed in the reading assignments. These issues ranged from familial problems through pacifism, poverty, the environment, business ethics, healthcare, sexuality, and life and death. Pick whichever one interests you most and in 500-600 words apply your metaethical theory to some aspect of the issue that was discussed in the reading in order to demonstrate what the moral approach to the issue is.

Be sure to carefully define your terms. You are encouraged to support your position with rational arguments, fitting examples, and expert sources. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian format and will not count towards the total word count.

You will be penalized for falling short or exceeding the word count. This is a university-level writing assignment and therefore it must be carefully proofread, free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Do not use slang, emoticons, or abbreviations (as if you are texting or sending an email to a friend).

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 7.

Reply: After reading your classmates’ threads, choose one to which you will respond, then write a reply that interacts with your classmate’s thread and presents a well-reasoned alternative to your classmate’s approach to the issue. You do not have to defend a position that is diametrically opposed to your classmate’s position, but you do need to critically evaluate your classmate’s position in a way that points out strengths and possible weaknesses.

The goal of this is to help your classmate to improve his or her ability to logically and consistently apply his or her metaethical theory to an issue in applied ethics. Hence you should make your criticisms constructive. Be charitable – don’t assume that your classmate is making stupid mistakes, but instead where multiple interpretations are possible, assume that you classmate meant whichever interpretation would make more sense. However, don’t hesitate to point out disputable assumptions, faulty arguments, and alternative possibilities if you are convinced that they exist. In short, criticize politely. If possible, you must reply to a classmate to whom no one else has yet replied. Treat your classmate’s opinion with sensitivity and respect.

This is a university-level writing assignment. Therefore it must be carefully proofread, free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Do not use slang, emoticons, or abbreviations (as if you are texting or sending an email to a friend).

Your reply must be 500–600 words. You will be penalized for falling short or exceeding the word count. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself (including your classmate’s thread) must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian and will not count towards the total word count.

Submit your reply by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.

Please read my discussion to have a idea on what i wrote last week

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