(a)Outline five differences between a public limited company and a partnership form of business.(10marks)

(b)Highlight five reasons why the government of Kenya has found it necessary to reduce its participation in commercial activities.(10marks)





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A Supermarket operate a distribution depot. Health and safety has been a low priority for a number of years, after the Health and Safety Manager resigning his post 18 months previous. The General Manager had not seen the need to replace him. There is an Occupational Health Nurse on site who has recently completed a two week NEBOSH General Certificate. She has been given day to day responsibility for health and safety management. She has no real experience of health and safety issues in a warehouse. Approximately 700 people are employed onsite, 7 days per week. A fleet of 100 counterbalanced fork lift truck are used to move goods around the warehouse. The trucks are fitted with fuel saving devices, which cut out the power when the operator is not on the seat. 73 of these trucks have had this device disabled by operators who considered it inconvenient. The trucks were subject to statutory inspection and general maintenance by the supplier, but this contract had lapsed when the Health and Safety Manager had left. As a short term measure the General Manager had asked Mr ‘x’ a general maintenance engineer to look after the trucks. Mr. ‘x’ was a fitter by trade and although happy to help out had no real experience in this area. Mr ‘x’ was also known to have a long standing heart problem. After he returned to work from a lengthy absence he had been instructed not to undertake any heavy work or be left alone in the workplace

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