Evaluation and Management of Dermatological Disorders

Skin disorders can be very challenging for adolescents and children because they often not only impact physical health but also mental and emotional health. Moderate to severe acne, for instance, impacts approximately one in five adolescent patients, and studies show that these patients are more than twice as likely to develop mental health problems than those without acne (Peeples, 2010). Like acne, many other skin disorders such as eczema or roseola also impact pediatric patients emotionally, often resulting in issues with self-confidence for even preschool-age patients. In your role as the advanced practice nurse, you must support these patients and treat the whole patient to improve physical and mental health.

This week you explore differential diagnoses for common skin disorders in pediatric patients. You also examine factors that impact the presentation, treatment, and management of patients with these disorders.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, students will:

· Analyze common skin disorders in pediatric patients

· Assess pediatric patients for skin disorders

· Evaluate differential diagnoses for pediatric skin disorders

· Analyze treatment and management plans for pediatric patients with skin disorders

· Evaluate the impact of patient race, ethnicity, and culture on the presentation of dermatologic disorders

· Understand and apply key terms, principles, and concepts related to skin disorders in pediatric patients

· Assess pediatric patients with signs of dermatologic disorders

Discussion: Diagnosis and Management of Skin Disorders

Dermatologic disorders can present due to an actual skin problem or as the result of a systemic problem that manifests in the skin. Depending on the type of disorder, the presentation might be unique, making a quick diagnosis possible. However, some disorders have similar presentations in terms of symptoms and appearance, making diagnosis more difficult. Skin color and tone can also contribute to difficulty in diagnosis, making it important to consider cultural variations during assessments. In this Discussion, you examine the following case studies of skin disorders.

Case Study 2

An 8-month-old presents to your office with a rash on both cheeks that has progressively worsened over the last week. Mom first noticed the rash after his 6-month checkup. He has generalized dry skin and rubs at his cheeks often.

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