MFB402: Managing Food and Beverage Operations


Unit Learning Outcomes   a. Undertake and reflect critically upon food and beverage management functions including concept, costing, strategy and marketing. b. Critically reflect upon the key skills and resources needed and applied in food and beverage operations c. Evaluate the changing nature of environmental, social, technological and legal trends, influencing hotel and food and beverage operations d. Critically reflect upon the tangible and intangible nature of food and beverage operations.

Assessment Summary

Assessment Type Weighting Due Learning Outcomes Business Report 5,000 words  60%  Week 5  5 August 2018 Week 10 9 September 2018 a, b, c, d Applied Learning 40% Intensive mode during term b

Assessment 1- Business Report (60%of total grade)

There are two (2) submissions for this assessment. Students are required to complete both submissions within the time stipulated.

1. Individual Business Report (30% of Total Grade) – Week 5

The hospitality industry, and specifically food and beverage establishments, have increased their involvement in matters of sustainability during the past decade. Due to stakeholders’ pressure, businesses are now expected to rethink their product, operations and practices in a way that contributes to environmental, social and economic sustainability.

In your report you will investigate the concept of sustainability and its impacts on food and beverage operations and management. Specifically, in your analysis you will include the following:

• A definition of Sustainability and discussion on the concept of triple bottom line, Planet, People, Profit. • Discuss how this trend affects the food and beverage operations and their management from a consumer and operator perspective. • Investigate and give examples of practices that food and beverage establishments, whether Australian or international, are utilising to address this trend. • Critically reflect on the role that these sustainable practices have in enhancing food and beverage establishments profitability and creating organisational competitive advantage.

Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 2 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

• Provide meaningful recommendations for food and beverage operators regarding this trend.

Assessment Style: Business Report (50%) (3,000 words) Submission Date: Week 5 Date: Sunday 5 August 2018 – 11.59pm

2. Group Business Report Submission 2 + Presentation (30% of Total Grade) – Week 10

Case Study of BMIHMS F&B Consulting (Please see separate Case Study material)

Written Report: You will be asked to investigate the case study, identify and contextualize the issues through academic literature, create solutions and provide recommendations. This assessment has three purposes for your learning: First, as a group project it is designed to be a tool for learning leadership skills including group decision making, conflict resolution, interpersonal communication, and critical analysis. Second, writing is an important skill in any profession and this is an opportunity for you to hone your writing skills. Finally, this assignment also provides you an opportunity to utilise all the skills and knowledge you have gained through this subject in a very practical way, which very much resembles what food and beverage managers commonly do in real life.

Oral Presentation: Your presentation will be held on Monday 3 September and your group of 3 is given a maximum of 10 minutes and 10 slides to represent the following: • Your findings • Key issues • Solutions • Recommendations

Assessment Style: Group (groups of 3) Business Report (40%) (5,500 words) + 10 minutes Oral Presentation (10%) Submission Date: Week 10  Oral Presentation Date: Monday 3 September 2018 – 11am Written Report Date: Sunday 9 September 2018 – 11.59pm

Submission Guidelines:   1. Typed and formatted following the Assessment Structure Style Guide and uploaded to Turnitin on time on the due date.  2. The total word count, excluding executive summary and references, must be within 10% (+ or -) of the assessment word count. 3. To be submitted in electronic form as a word-processed file to 4. You are expected to refer, in text, to a minimum of twelve (12) academic journal articles or industry journal articles or relevant textbooks, plus other credible sources as required, in order to show competency in the assessment.  5. All referencing must be in accordance with the Academic Writing Guide: APA 6th Edition on SharePoint.  6. A TUA cover sheet to be attached to your paper  (Individual assessment cover sheet , Group assessment cover sheet) 7. See marking rubric below, you do not need to attach this rubric to your submissions.

NOTE: For the group assessment, only one copy of the report is to be submitted to Turn-it-in with all group members name of the cover sheet, and a BMIHMS Peer Evaluation form must be completed and submitted to the lecturer in your lecture in Week 10 or emailed to your lecturer.

Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 3 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

Assessment 2 – Applied Training

To understand the importance and relevance of Food and Beverage to Hotel Operations Management you will be participating in a series of workshops and an intensive block release program in Food & Beverage with an emphasis on Service Operations. The program will give you a true awareness of the front of house operational areas with a food & beverage focus. The areas you will operate in include the learning at the Town Hall campus and your applied learning at William Blue Dining.

Student Performance

Whilst a student in the applied learning environment your performance will be monitored. Your performance is not only about the skills you are learning it is also about your professional approach to the Food & Beverage environment. Performance attributes include attendance, punctuality, grooming, and participation. Other elements of assessment on include your preparation, customer service, teamwork, communication, beverage preparation and coffee making skills

Note: The Food and Beverage Trainers will provide further details regarding your applied training including rosters, timetables and duties.

Please refer to the Assessment Rubric located on Page 7 of this document


Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 4 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

Managing Food and Beverage Operations (MFB402)  Weekly Topic Outline

Term 2 2018

Week Date Lecture Topic  Time  1 02/07 Orientation Week (see schedule for details)

2 09/07 Introduction to the course/subject Size and Scope of F&B Operations


3 16/07 Industry Trends and the Future of Dining


4 23/07 F&B Management Restaurant Concepts


5 30/07 Menu and Beverages


6 06/08  Events and Functions Catering


7 13/08 Staffing and Labour Management


8 20/08 Food and Beverage Finance and Revenue Management


9 27/08 Marketing and Strategic F&B Management


10 03/09 Managing the Meal Experience


11 10/09 No Classes

Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 5 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

MFB402 – Managing Food and Beverage Operations Individual Report Assessment Criteria  FAIL PASS CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION Criterion  1  Quality of Research (20%) Research based only on a few or irrelevant secondary sources. Fails to meet minimum referencing requirements. Research based on few but relevant secondary sources mostly emphasising limited perspective. Research based on adequate number of relevant secondary and primary sources representing all perspectives in general terms.  Research based on important secondary and primary sources representing all perspectives and identifying different perspectives. Research based on numerous important secondary sources, emphasis on primary sources representing all perspectives, identifying different perspectives and contradictions. Criterion  2-3 Level of analysis and application of concepts (40%) Analysis mostly absent; Lack of understanding of concepts from readings or just mentioning the terms without showing understanding. Use of terms relevant to analyse the subject matter, showing some comprehension but only a generalist understanding. Identifying different perspectives; discussing them and identifying the differences between them. Using concepts with a good understanding Discussing concepts and different perspectives integrating the relations between them and extracting implications from differences and similarities. Outstanding at discussing different perspectives, expertly integrating the relations between them and extracting implications from differences and similarities. Criterion  4  Critical, reflective thinking and substantiation of argument (20%) Poor use of argument and absence of critical thinking and/or reflection. Minimal but convincing use of argument to substantiate the points under discussion. Some attempt at critical reflection. Actually being reflective, producing a good interpretation of issues under evaluation. Adequate substantiation of argument. Very informative, producing a good interpretation of issues under evaluation, comparative analysis of alternative options. Relevant and convincing use of argument. Excellent interpretation of issues under evaluation, comparing alternative options, original interpretations and recommendations. Relevant convincing use of arguments to substantiate points, integrating different perspectives. Criterion  5 Overall presentation and clarity of expression (sound sentence structure, grammar and spelling) (20%)  Incomprehensible due to poor written language competence or careless writing. Satisfactory but with some difficulties in communicating ideas.  Some language mistakes but good communication of ideas, basically well written. Very well written with few minor mistakes. Excellent writing, which demonstrates careful revision to avoid minor mistakes.


Mark range out of 100

0-49.5 50-64 65-74 75-84 85+

Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 6 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

MFB402 – Managing Food and Beverage Operations Group Project Assessment Criteria  FAIL PASS CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION Criterion  1  Problem Solving  Formulation and scope of problem  10%   The problem is not formulated clearly.  Does not present reasonable review of solutions.  The problem formulation exists but is unclear in some respects and does not appear to be well thought out. Offers solutions but they are not clear and rational overall.   The problem formulation is clear, but the scope is not well defined.  There is a clear, defensible rationale to the problem is offered.  Problem formulation is clear.  Clear, defensible rationale for the ordering of the alternatives to the problem.  Problem formulation is clear and well thought out. The problem scope is well defined.  Clear and comprehensive summary of the reasoning that led to the solutions offered.

Criterion  2-3 Thinking and Analysis  20%

Fails to analyse information.  Lacks critical thought /analysis / reference to theory.

Can analyse a limited range of information with guidance using classification / principles.  Some evidence of critical thought/critical analysis and rationale for work.

Can analyse with guidance using given classification / principles.  Demonstrates application of theory through critical analysis of the topic area.

Can analyse a range of information with minimum guidance, can apply major theories and compare alternative methods/techniques for obtaining data.  Clear application of theory through critical analysis/critical thought of the topic area.

Can analyse new and/or abstract data and situations without guidance using a wide range of techniques appropriate to the topic.  Consistently demonstrates application of critical analysis well integrated in the text.

Criterion  4  Content  Knowledge and range of topic and theory  30%

Lacks evidence of knowledge relevant to the topic and/or significantly misuses terminology.  Inappropriate choice of theory.

Evidence of limited knowledge of topic and some use of appropriate terminology.  Selection of theory is inaccurate appropriate but some aspects have been missed or misconstrued.

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge base and appropriate terminology.  Most key theories are included in the work in an appropriate straightforward manner.

Reasonable knowledge of topic and an awareness of a variety of ideas/contexts/frame-works.  Insightful and appropriate selection of theory in key areas.

Comprehensive/detailed knowledge of topic with areas of specialisation is depth and awareness of provisional nature of knowledge.  Assignment demonstrates integration and innovation in the selection and handling of theory.

Criterion  5 References  Source Listing  Source Selection  Number of Sources  20%

• Sources are random and do not relate to the topic  • Number of sources chosen is clearly insufficient to support the argument  Fewer than 10% of citations are formatted correctly.  • Fewer than 10% of the sources listed are referred to in the text, or no list of references

Few sources included with little connection to the topic  • Number of is less than adequate to fully support the argument  Fewer than 75% of citations are formatted correctly.  • Fewer than 75% of the sources listed are referred to in the text.

Similar sources and source types included, clearly related to the topic  • Number of sources chosen is adequate but could be expanded.  More than 75% of citations are formatted correctly. Some information may be missing, or APA style may not be used consistently.  • More than 75% of the listed sources are referred to in the text.

• Includes all and only those sources referred to in the text.  • Includes a variety of sources, clearly related to the topic.  • Number of sources chosen provides abundant evidence to support the argument.  More than 90% of citations formatted correctly using APA style.

Very comprehensive.  Exceptional list of references.

Criterion  6 Writing structure and style  20%

• Inappropriate vocabulary and/or grammar • >7 grammatical and/or spelling errors

• Some inappropriate vocabulary and/or grammar • 3-6 grammatical and/or spelling errors

• Minor use of inappropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures • 1-2 grammatical and/or spelling errors

• Appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures used • No grammatical and/or spelling errors

• Mature writing style using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures • No grammatical and/or spelling errors

Mark range out of 100

0-49.5 50-64 65-74 75-84 85+

Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 7 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

MFB402 – Managing Food and Beverage Operations Group Presentation Assessment Criteria  FAIL PASS CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION Criterion  1  Problem Solving  Formulation and scope of problem  10%   The problem is not formulated clearly.  Does not present reasonable review of solutions.  The problem formulation exists but is unclear in some respects and does not appear to be well thought out. Offers solutions but they are not clear and rational overall.   The problem formulation is clear, but the scope is not well defined.  There is a clear, defensible rationale to the problem is offered.  Problem formulation is clear.  Clear, defensible rationale for the ordering of the alternatives to the problem.  Problem formulation is clear and well thought out. The problem scope is well defined.  Clear and comprehensive summary of the reasoning that led to the solutions offered.

Criterion  2-3 Thinking and Analysis  20%

Fails to analyse information.  Lacks critical thought /analysis / reference to theory.

Can analyse a limited range of information with guidance using classification / principles.  Some evidence of critical thought/critical analysis and rationale for work.

Can analyse with guidance using given classification / principles.  Demonstrates application of theory through critical analysis of the topic area.

Can analyse a range of information with minimum guidance, can apply major theories and compare alternative methods/techniques for obtaining data.  Clear application of theory through critical analysis/critical thought of the topic area.

Can analyse new and/or abstract data and situations without guidance using a wide range of techniques appropriate to the topic.  Consistently demonstrates application of critical analysis well integrated in the text.

Criterion  4  Content  Knowledge and range of topic and theory  30%

Lacks evidence of knowledge relevant to the topic and/or significantly misuses terminology.  Inappropriate choice of theory.

Evidence of limited knowledge of topic and some use of appropriate terminology.  Selection of theory is inaccurate appropriate but some aspects have been missed or misconstrued.

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge base and appropriate terminology.  Most key theories are included in the work in an appropriate straightforward manner.

Reasonable knowledge of topic and an awareness of a variety of ideas/contexts/frame-works.  Insightful and appropriate selection of theory in key areas.

Comprehensive/detailed knowledge of topic with areas of specialisation is depth and awareness of provisional nature of knowledge.  Assignment demonstrates integration and innovation in the selection and handling of theory.

Criterion  5 Presentation management and co-ordination & Academic Language  40%

Communication is unstructured and unfocused and/or in a format inappropriate for the task.

Material is difficult to understand due to poor structure and pace.

Incomprehensible due to poor oral language competence or careless speaking.

Some communication is effective and in a format appropriate for the task.

Can report in a structured way. Shows some attempt to structure material for presentation and pace are satisfactory most of the time.

Satisfactory but with some difficulties in communicating ideas.

Can communicate effectively in a format appropriate to the task and report in a clear and concise manner with all relevant information.

Clearly structured and addressed to audience.

Some language mistakes but good communication of ideas, well spoken.

Can communicate effectively in a format appropriate to the task and report in a clear and concise manner with all relevant information in a variety of formats.

Well-structured and signposted presentation.

Very well spoken with few minor mistakes.

Can engage effectively in debate in a professional manner and produce detailed and coherent project reports.

Imaginative presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information.

Excellent speech, which demonstrates careful revision to avoid minor mistakes.

Mark range out of 100

0-49.5 50-64 65-74 75-84 85+

Created:  June 2018   Document Owner: Anita Manfreda Modifed: June 2018   Version: 1.0 Review Date: September 2018   Page 8 of 8 This online version is a controlled document. Any printed versions are considered uncontrolled versions of the document.

MFB402 – Managing Food and Beverage Operations Applied Training Assessment Criteria Criterion Fail  Pass   Credit  Distinction  High Distinction

Service Exam (50%)

Failed to demonstrate basic customer service skills

Has shown basic understanding of appropriate style and formality of customer service

Has shown consistent understanding regarding the complex nature of customer service and required skills

Has shown proficient customer service and consistently shows independence and confidence

Has achieved a high level of customer service and has shown remarkable results

Coffee Exam (30%)

Failed to demonstrate basic coffee preparation skills

Has demonstrated basic coffee preparation skills without glaring inaccuracies

Has demonstrated coffee preparation skills consistently in correct order specified with appropriate technique

Has carefully demonstrated coffee preparation skills with confidence and good technique

Has demonstrated exceptional coffee preparation skills and excellent technique

Personal Development   (20%)

Poor demonstration of personal development skills

Has shown basic personal development skills

Has a positive attitude and consistently shows a good understanding of tasks and responsibilities

Displays a very positive attitude and exceeds expectations in all tasks set

Has shown exceptional attitude and results regarding all areas of personal development

Total Grade

Fail  (0-49%)

Pass  (50-64%)

Credit  (65-74%)

Distinction  (75-84%)

High Distinction  (85-100%)

Unsatisfactory performance

Satisfactory performance

Respectable performance showing more than satisfactory skills

Superior performance demonstrating independent professional skills

Outstanding performance demonstrating exceptional ability and skills

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