Select a current video advertisement for a good or service which is of interest or relevance to you both from YouTube. To effectively demonstrate the application of consumer behaviour principles a suitable advertisement must be selected. The YouTube link must be presented with your report. Assignments must be lodged electronically via the subject LMS and plagiarism checked by each student using Turnitin before final submission. The advertisement you use as the basis of the assignment may be lodged as an attached file if necessary. The advertisement must be in English.

Assignments which analyse an ad which is not in English will receive a zero mark.

Notes: A report format is required for this assignment – not an essay. Reports consist of headings and discrete sections whereas essays consist of continuous prose. The required report format will be given to students. Assignments submitted in essay format will receive a zero mark.


(a) Identify the advertisement, the product, product class and the general type of advertising appeal used.

(b) Analyse in a detailed and structured way (in a logical report format) the consumer behaviour issues involved, their relevance and why they are important. These consumer behaviour issues may include: product positioning relevant to competitors (eg differentiation), emotional appeals, decision-making prompts, cultural appeals, consumer motivations, decision-making processes and any other issues relevant to the product. Marks will be awarded on the basis of the relevance and thoroughness of the consumer behaviour analysis.

(c) Identify any ethical and consumer behaviour issues you feel are not currently being adequately addressed (or are ineffectively addressed) by the current campaign.

(d) Identify and discuss how your consumer behaviour insights could be used to improve the marketing of the good or service or explain why no changes are required.

(e) An additional element of this assignment is a brief critique of the teamwork dynamics experienced while completing this assignment – Refer to the Marking Sheet).

Additional Notes: It is expected that you explore the topic, consult resources beyond lecture notes and the course text, and explain the limitations to your approach.

For an academic work, you are required to primarily use models and theories, found in the textbooks, journal articles, and found through your own research to support your argument/analysis – this should be supported by explanation to show your understanding and application of the concepts. At least four relevant non-textbook references are required to satisfy the research component. Don’t forget to reference all information sources (marks will be lost otherwise)! Please also refer to the style guidelines provided below. The assignment must be in a Microsoft Word document and fully referenced using the Harvard referencing style. The topic area will require reading and research outside the text and references earlier listed. As a guide, word length expected is about 2,000 -2,500 words, plus appendices (which must be submitted in the one electronic document) if applicable.




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